Ann Cabell Baskervill has served as a prosecutor for more than seven years serving general docket rotations in Circuit Courts, General District Courts, and Traffic Courts, before settling in to spend several years focusing on gangs and drugs as a prosecutor in the City of Richmond. Ann Cabell now uses her experience and familiarity with an extremely broad range of crimes and criminal law issues to focus on many criminal defense issues, including felonies, misdemeanors, traffic offenses and appeals, and general civil practice and litigation throughout Southside and Central Virginia.
Ann Cabell is also approved by the Virginia Indigent Defense Commission for felony and misdemeanor court appointed criminal defense representation in the Eleventh (Amelia, Dinwiddie, Nottoway, Petersburg, and Powhatan), Sixth (Brunswick, Emporia, Greensville, Hopewell, Prince George, Surry, and Sussex), Tenth (Appomattox, Buckingham, Charlotte, Cumberland, Halifax, Lunenburg, Mecklenburg, and Prince Edward), Fifth (Franklin City, Isle of Wight, Southampton, and Suffolk), and Ninth (Charles City, Gloucester, King William, King and Queen, Mathews, Middlesex, New Kent, Williamsburg / James City County, and York).
Ann Cabell was admitted in 2006 to the Virginia State Bar.
Assistant Commonwealth's Attorney, City of Richmond, Virginia, August 2006 - July 2013
Assistant Commonwealth's Attorney, City of Hopewell, Virginia, May 2006 - August 2006
Professional Memberships
Virginia State Bar, (Member, Section: Criminal) and Young Lawyers Conference, 2006 - present
Richmond Bar Association, 2007-2013
Bench Bar Conference Planning Committee, 2007-2010
Bench Bar Conference Committee Co-Chair, 2009
Bench Bar Conference Criminal Subcommittee Co-Chair, 2008-2010
Young Lawyers Section Nominating Committee, 2010
Richmond Criminal Bar Association (President 2011-2012, Vice-President 2010-2011, Treasurer 2009-2010, Secretary 2008-2009) 2008-present
University of Virginia School of Law, Charlottesville, VA (J.D., Dean's Scholar, 2006)
Virginia Commonwealth University School of Social Work, Richmond, VA (Semester of graduate coursework in Master of Social Work Program, 2003)
Washington and Lee University, Lexington, VA (B.A., summa cum laude, 2001)
- - Cumulative GPA 3.947/4.0
- - Phi Beta Kappa
- - Gains Honors Scholar
- - Active in the Shepherd Program for the Interdisciplinary Study of Poverty and Human Capability
Published Work
Gang Prosecution in Virginia: Law and Perspective, VIRGINIA LAWYER Magazine, December 2012, Vol. 61, No. 5, at pp. 18-23, 33.
Selected Community Involvement
Current member of Centenary United Methodist Church; Virginia Museum of Fine Arts; Virginia Holocaust Museum; Virginia Historical Society; Robert F. Kennedy Center for Justice and Human Rights; Washington & Lee University Alumni Association, Richmond Chapter; Kappa Delta Alumnae Association
Honorary Founding Board Member, R.O.O.T.S. (“Reinventing Ourselves Outside the System”) Program; Honorary Board Member, T.T.Y. (Transforming Today’s Youth) Program
Instructor for Attorneys / Prosecutors, for MCLE credit
Commonwealth’s Attorney’s Services Council, Investigation and Prosecution of Drug Cases in Virginia (TOP GUN), Williamsburg, Va., “Cooperating Individuals in Drug Investigations,” Jun. 2009, May 2010, May 2011, May 2012; “Investigative and Prosecution Strategy and Planning,” Jun. 2009, May 2010, May 2011, May 2012; “Introduction to Gang Investigation and Prosecution,” May 2010, May 2011, May 2012; “Conspiracy Investigations,” Jun. 2009.
Commonwealth’s Attorneys’ Services Council, Spring Institute, Norfolk, Va., “Prosecuting Gangs: A How-To Guide,” Apr. 2012.
Instructor for Law Enforcement Training with DCJS Accreditation
Richmond Police Academy Basic Recruit Training: “Introduction to Basic Law: Civil vs. Criminal Law; Felonies, Misdemeanors, and the Virginia Code,” Feb. 2010, Feb. 2011, Sept. 2011, Apr. 2012, Jan. 2013; “Basic Gang Identification and Enforcement,” Jul. 2012; “Litigation and Evidentiary Issues in Gang Identification and Enforcement,” Apr. 2011; “Crimes Involving Fraud, Forgery, and Illegal Gambling,” Jan. 2007; Moot Court, Jun. 2008, Dec. 2008, Sept. 2009, Apr. 2010, Mar. 2011, Oct. 2011, Jul. 2012.
Richmond Police Department, In-Service Training: “Forensic Evidence in Litigation,” Feb. to May 2009; “Litigation and Evidentiary Issues in Gang Investigation and Prosecution,” Apr. to Jul. 2008; “Fourth Amendment Search and Seizure Law,” Oct. 2006.
Richmond Police Department, Special Investigations Division Training, “Gang Prosecution: Strategic Investigation and Litigation,” Mar. 2011; Patrol Sector Specialist Training, “Gang Prosecution: Law, Evidence, Litigation, and Strategy,” Sept. 2008, Sept. 2011.
Virginia State Police, Statewide Task Force Training, “Gang Prosecution: Law, Evidence, Litigation, and Strategy,” Aug. 2011; Basic Trooper School, Moot Court, Nov. 2012.
Metro-Richmond Basic Patrol K9 School, “Legal Issues and Considerations for Patrol Canine Handlers,” Nov. 2012.
Crater Criminal Justice Training Academy, Beginner Law Enforcement Training, “Gangs and Gang Trends” and “Legal and Evidentiary Issues in Gang Prosecution,” Aug. 2011, Feb. 2012.
Metro-Richmond Narcotics Detection Canine Handler Training Seminar, “K9 Legal Update and K9 Courtroom Skills,” Dec. 2011.
Fairfax County Criminal Justice Training Academy, Street Gangs Investigations Course, “Gang Prosecution: Law, Evidence, Litigation, and Strategy,” May 2010, Nov. 2010, May 2011, Nov. 2011.
Advanced Narcotics Investigations Course for Metro-Richmond law enforcement agencies, “Fourth Amendment Guidance on Searches and Seizures,” Nov. 2009.
Virginia Commonwealth University Police Department Training Academy, “Preparing for and Testifying in Court,” Jul. 2008.
Other Instruction and Involvement
Washington and Lee University Alumni Career Resources Blog, Alumni Perspective: “Why should you take part in the Shepherd Poverty Program?” published May 15, 2012. Available at perspectives/ann-c-baskervill-01-why-should-you-take-part-in-the-shepherd-poverty-program/ (last accessed Aug. 1, 2013).
University of Richmond School of Law, Judicial Externship lecturer, “Evidentiary and Advocacy Issues in Gang Prosecution,” Oct. 2008, Mar. 2009, Oct. 2009, Mar. 2010, Nov. 2010, Mar. 2011, Sept. 2011, Feb. 2012, Nov. 2012; Litigation Clinic lecturer, “Criminal Litigation Practice,” Oct. 2010.
Virginia Gang Investigators Association, Gang Specialist Certification Training, “Gang Laws and Gang Prosecution,” Richmond, May 2009; Culpeper, Va., Nov. 2009; Charlottesville, Jul. 2010.
Richmond Police / Virginia State Police Firearms and Fugitives Initiative Task Force Training, “Fourth Amendment Guidance on Searches and Seizures,” May 2009; “Firearms Laws, EXILE Prosecutions, and Fourth Amendment Guidance on Searches and Seizures,” Jul. 2010.
National Trial Competition sponsored by the American College of Trial Lawyers and the Texas Young Lawyers Association, Presiding Judge for Southeast Regional Competition, held at Regent University School of Law; Virginia Beach, Va., Feb. 2010.
University of Richmond School of Law, Trial Advocacy Board, Trial Advocacy Competition Presiding Judge, Oct. 2006, Feb. 2009, Nov. 2009, Nov. 2010; Trial Advocacy Skills course Guest Judge, Apr. 2009.
Bryant & Stratton Community College, Criminal Procedure lecturer, “Evidentiary and Advocacy Issues in Gang Prosecution,” Richmond, May 2009, Oct. 2009, Feb. 2010.
Virginia Attorney General’s Office, Gang Reduction and Intervention Program [GRIP], Spanish Anti-Gang Video Richmond Premiere, Panelist, Dec. 2009.
Virginia Department of Corrections, Office of the Inspector General, Annual Training Seminar, “Gang Prosecution,” Crozier, Va., Mar. 2009.
Guest speaker or moot court volunteer at various Richmond City Public Schools, including Armstrong High School, Brown Middle School, and Clark Springs Elementary School.
Instructor for various informal training sessions for the Richmond Police Department, Richmond Sheriff’s Office, and other agencies, and guest speaker for community group meetings, as requested.
Prosecution and Law Enforcement Training Completed
Commonwealth’s Attorneys’ Services Council, Spring Institute, Norfolk, Apr. 2008, Mar. 2009, Apr. 2012; “Investigation and Prosecution of Drug Cases in Virginia [TOP GUN XVI],” Williamsburg, May 2008; Trial Advocacy Conference, Williamsburg, Jun. 2007.
Virginia Gang Investigators Association, Advanced Gang Training Conference, Va. Beach, Oct. 2007, Oct. 2008, Oct. 2010.
U.S. Department of Homeland Security and New Mexico Institute of Mining & Technology (New Mex. Tech), “Initial Law Enforcement Response to Suicide Bombing Attacks,” Richmond, Mar. 2012.
John E. Reid and Associates and the Richmond Police Academy, “Advanced Course on the Reid Technique of Interviewing and Interrogation” (“The Reid School”), Richmond, Sept. 2008.
Washington/Baltimore HIDTA Multijurisdictional Counter-Drug Task Force Training Courses, “Gang Prosecution Techniques” and “Investigative Theory for RICO,” Fairfax, Apr. 2007.